Monday 26 April 2010

Duisberg International, Germany

Segej Rempel (Germany) First Fight
He was a tall good fighter. I threw him with sode tsuri komi goshi for a wazari then held him down for the Ippon.

Pawel Kruachante (Germany) Second Fight
Pawel was a small fighter like me he was tough to throw. I kept on attacking which got him two shidos. I then threw him for ippon.

Bernd Lemmens (Semi-Final) Third Fight
Bernd is the number 1 in Belgium and is a very good strong fighter. It was more a gripping fight than a throwing fight but when we got grips I attacked straight away so he got a two penalties for not attacking.

Jens Malewany (Germany) Final
He was a tough fighter but I dominated the attacking and he got three penalties which won me the fight and the Gold Medal.

I was really pleased with the way I fought. I have not fought well the last few weeks and it has took a long time to recover from my virus. I am now fighting well and strong again. I am looking forward to my trip to Russia this week.

1 comment:

  1. hey eric,

    is everything oke?

    Bernd Lemmens
